Thunderbird Drone Festival - Volatus Drones

Oklahoma’s first-ever drone festival is set to take place next weekend. The inaugural festival will feature stimulating fun for all ages. From technology to food you won't be disappointed.

Woodward’s Thunderbird Drone Festival will include an international film fest on Friday and drone races, demos and more on Saturday.

Those new to drone technology will be able to learn everything you need to know, from how to purchase a drone to becoming a pilot.

Enthusiasts will have the opportunity to show off skills, share knowledge and network with people throughout the industry.

The event will kick off at the iconic Woodward Arts Theatre where films and photos from drone creators across the world will be judged by a professional jury. Next day events will be held at the Industrial Warehouse featuring expos, racing, and a speaker panel with keynote Brett Velicovich.

It’s great to see events like this happening all around the world. By coming together to learn, have fun and highlight the benefits of drone tech, we continue to propel the drone industry to new heights.

For more information visit


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